Hank Jones

Boilermaker, Plumber

Phone: 604-555-1234
Email: hankjones@hankjones.com
Address: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Summary of Qualifications

Think of the Summary of Qualifications as a quick introduction. You should briefly highlight your relevant skills, accomplishments, and experience. Show your qualifications that are related to the job opening.


If you have any related education or certificates that you would like to highlight, you can list them here. If you’re looking at a job that involves a specific skill and/or certification, you may want to state your experience and related certifications here.

Work History

123 Industry Ltd

Construction Lead - Progressive Project in Port Moody BC

July 2019 to March 2021
July 2019 to March 2021

20 acre processing facility to create an exportable product from a raw resources. Included a delivery and holding facility, processing line, and warehousing for product waiting for export.

  • Leading multiple teams
  • Monitoring project progress and performance
  • Creating Gannt charts for team leads to present an easy to understand map for worker output expectations

ABC Developments

Lead Hand - XYZ Project in Edmonton Alberta

January 2018 to June 2019
January 2018 to June 2019

A large project involving over 2000 workers in the center of Edmonton Alberta. There was multiple trades working together to create a 20 story high-rise multi-family housing system.

  • Managing 37 other construction team members
  • Ensuring maximum project performance
  • Reading prints and creating a construction timeline
  • Ordering material as required


Carl Hill - Coworker at 123 Industry Ltd

Phone: 403-555-4321

I worked directly with Carl during the Progressive Project ensuring that all tasks for One Projects Inc were correctly completed.

Wendy House - Direct Supervisor at ABC Developments

Phone: 403-555-1234

Wendy was responsible for managing all of the team leads from the beginning of the project to its completion.


Certificate Trainer Date Expire View
Construction Safety Level 1 Jan 17/20 Jan 17/25 View
Construction Management & Delegation Apr 23/18 View
Certificate Trainer Date Expire View
Construction Equipment Operator Jan 17/20 Jan 17/24 View